Sunday, October 27, 2013

Turbo Mailer | How to use Software Turbo Mailer

How to use Software Turbo Mailer

You download for trial Turbo Mailer here:

I/ User Interface / Mailer Page

SMTP Server
The address of your SMTP server (and optional port).
Examples.:   ,
All known SMTP servers are supported. Most SMTP servers from ISPs need a login authentication with user and password. Some SMTP servers require to reconnect after a certain number of mails. In that case set the Mails/Block property below the Send button for block-by-block transmission.
From Address
Format :   name@server.dom
        or :  "Display User Name" <user_name@server.dom>
SMTP user / SMTP password   (optional)
Your login information for your SMTP server. Leave these fields empty if your (intranet) SMTP server doesn't need/support login.
 Unlimited IP SMTP Server and Unlimited Domain SMTP Server
Reply Address (optional)
Enter a email address where recipients should replay to (instead of "From Address"). Leave empty if your "From Address" is ok for replying to it.
Auto-Dial intern
Check this option and select a RAS Network for internet dial-up, in case you want Turbo-Mailer to auto-dial and close the RAS automatically after email transmissions are complete.
TO: Address List  /  Open File / Save / Add / Delete
This list area displays the current target address list (recipients of your email message). This list can also contain additional personalization columns which can be referenced with %1%, %2% in your mail text/html or subject, or with %-1%, %-2%.. to even inserted un-escaped HTML snippets from such columns. See also Address list line format.
A new address list ( simple list with one address per line / table / CSV file / TAB CSV file ) can be loaded to this list area by pressing the "Open File" button or "Menu/File/Open address list" or by file-drag-drop or by pressing the "<<TO-LIST" button in the List Processor Page)
You can also copy&paste a list or table from Excel using the Windows clipboard.
The TO: list contents are permanent throughout shutdown & re-opening of Turbo-Mailer.
Press this button to start sending out the messages after a confirmation.
BCC Bulk
Activate this checkbox in order to enable the BCC Bulking.
BCC Bulking: Many email address are targeted with one SMTP email transfer using the blind-carbon-copy method. This reduces network traffic to the SMTP server (but not behind that server). Messages with personalization variables (%N%) are never BCC bulked.
In the BCC Bulking options dialog you can set the common "TO:" display name, the "Maximum number of BCC addresses per email transfer". You can also hide the BCC address list completely from the mail header.
Mails / Block
Activate this checkbox and set a maximum number of mails (N) per block, if your SMTP server doesn't like too much email transfers to be sent during one SMTP connection. Thus TurboMailer establishes a fresh connection to the SMTP server each N mails. This option can be mixed with Multi-threaded (parallel) SMTP.
Max Threads
Activate this checkbox and set a maximum number of parallel connections in order to optimize transmission speed. This option exploits the available bandwidth most efficiently and is especially helpful, when email addresses are checked live by an SMTP server ( which slows down simple serial processing dramatically). Multiple SMTP connections are possible on most SMTP servers today.
HTML Message
Check this checkbox if you want to transmit HTML email code.
Note: You can use the "Edit HTML" button for editing your HTML mail using a WYSIWYG HTML editor.
Note: You can configure a non-default HTML editor in Menu/Config/Settings. Installing Mozilla/Netscape is recommended, when you don't have another professional HTML editor installed on your computer.
Subject / Text Body
Enter your email message here. Or load it from a .eml / .txt / .html file. Or drag-drop a file to this area.
Attachments / + / -
Add attachment file using the + and - Buttons.
Note: Embedded HTML images (local URL's) are automatically attached to the email. You don't need to add them explicitly as attachment.
Edit HTML / Refresh
Edit your HTML mail message with an WYSIWYG HTML editor. 
Press the "Refresh" button for importing a HTML mail text repeatedly after changing and saving it in your HTML editor. The "Refresh" button can only be used after a first "Edit HTML" cycle.
Note: You can configure a non-default HTML editor in Menu/Config/Settings. Installing seamonkey/Mozilla or "Kompozer" is recommended, when you don't have another professional HTML editor already installed on your computer.
Press this button in order to preview your HTML or text email message. In case of personalization columns: The preview is rendered using the first email address of your current TO: List

II/ Mail Text / Subject / Attachment Personalization

The text of additional personalization fields (columns) in an adress list files can be rendered into the mail text or subject or attachment filenames - in order to "personalize" the mail.
The column variables are like: %0% (=email address itself), %1% (2nd column), %2% (3rd column), %3% ...
Columns which are not present in the list/table end up as empty string in the message.
HTML Mail: Column numbers referenced with a minus sign in front end up as raw HTML code insertion (HTML/XML format escaping bypassed).

Example of a email subject and text with variables for personalization:

Subject: Personal Newsletter Weatherforecast for %1%

Hello %1%,
nice weather today.
Today's personal message for you is: %2%
Regards, Dr. Weatherman
PS: this mail was sent to %0% - newletter ref = %-3%.
(Note: the last negative variable %-3% would insert plain HTML snippets in HTML mails without escaping HTML-characters; No difference to %3% in text mode mails.)

The resulting email for this example and address list below (first address) will be:

Subject: Personal Newsletter Weatherforecast for %1%

Hello Mister A,
nice weather today.
Today's personal message for you is: abc
Regards, Dr. Weatherman
PS: this mail was sent to aa@bb - newletter ref = personal_code123_1.

Example address/personalization list file for this message:

#Example address list (CSV file)
aa@bb; Mister A; abc; personal_code123_1
cc@dd; Mister B; def; personal_code123_2

Or copy&paste a table like this via the Clipboard from Excel:

  • In Excel press Ctrl-A to select all lines; and press Ctrl-C to copy
  • Click into TurboMailer's To: Address List (Recipients) and press Ctrl-V for pasting;
    (Or press the Paste address list button in the toolbar)

Attachment File Personalization

Attachment files can be personalized by adding an attachment file name like personal-attachment-%3%.gif .  The filename part %3% is then replaced by the same scheme as with text or subject (4th table column in this example).


HTML Mail transfer is switched on by the checkbox "HTML Mail" in the Mailer main window.
HTML Mail can be edited in code view mode or in WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) view mode : Checkbox: HTML View.
By default a auto-generated plain text version of a HTML mail is transmitted together with the HTML format - consistent with MIME standards. This setting can be changed in Menu/Config/AppSettings/HTML_Mail

How to set a manually edited plain text version for HTML Mails

A manually edited plain text version for a HTML Mail can be set - overriding auto-generation from the HTML version. This can be done by putting the plain test version into a special HTML comment "MIME_PLAINTEXT" somewhere inside the HTML code of the message - like this:
<title>A HTML Mail with manually edited plain text version</title>
<p>This is a HTML mail.</p>
<img src="icon.png">
<p>Thanks for reading.</p>
This is a manually edited plain text version of this HTML mail.

Thanks for reading.-->

IV/ Embedding Images in HTML Email

Embedding images in HTML emails is easy: Turbo-Mailer embeds all local images in your HTML message (image links to local files on your computer) directly into the email as internal attachment automatically when the email is sent. Image links to images on a server (<IMG SRC="http://...">) are sent unaltered. Best test for correct results with some of your own test email addresses and email viewers (sophisticated HTML is displayed differently in different email readers).
Generating a new HTML mail from scratch:
  • New Mail: Press the New Mail tool bar button or select Menu/File/New Mail.
  • Select HTML Mail: Check the HTML Mail checkbox above the "Subject" Field in order to tag the message as HTML Mail.
  • Use internal HTML Viewer/Editor: Check the HTML View checkbox and hit the Edit button next to HTML View in order to get additional controls for editing HTML directly inside TurboMailer.

    or / and :
  • Use an external HTML editor): Press the "Edit HTML" button on bottom-right of Turbo-Mailer (or Menu/View/HTML Editor) for editing the current message body in a WYSIWYG HTML Editor. You are asked to first save your (empty) message in a file. Its recommended to do this: Thus your HTML code has a definite home folder on your hard disk and you can insert local embedded images with relative paths consistently.

    The HTML editor can be configured in Menu/Config/Settings. Mozilla, Netscape, Dreamweaver and Frontpage are found automatically by Turbo-Mailer and offered in a drop-down list. The default HTML editor is the built-in editor of Internet Explorer (IE; version >= 5.5 ) - which is not recommended. Installing Mozilla or Netscape is recommended, when you don't have another professional HTML editor installed on your computer.
  • Edit: Just edit your HTML template file locally with your configured HTML editor. Use simple relative or absolute file paths to your local images for embedding those images to the email.
  • Preview: Press the "Preview" Button:  on bottom-right of Turbo-Mailer (or use Menu/View/Preview) in order to check your HTML message.
  • Auto-Embedding: All locally linked images are embedded on-the-fly by Turbo-Mailer when the emails are sent out. Best try for correct results with some of your own test addresses. When a local image is not found during transmission you'll get an error message and transmission does not take place.
  • Non-Local Images : URLs of absolute web linked images on a server ("http(s)://...") are left unchanged. Such images are not embedded.
    Note: It is recommended to keep big images and attachment files on a web server in order to reduce bandwidth consumption
Generating a HTML mail from an existing HTML file:
  • Load: Drag-drop (or open) the HTML file into Turbo-Mailer and edit the subject. Turbo-Mailer thus knows the home directory of the HTML code for finding relatively linked local (embedded) images.
  • "Edit HTML" Button: You can also press the "Edit HTML" button on bottom-right of Turbo-Mailer for editing the current message body quickly in a WYSIWYG HTML Editor. The editor can be configured in Menu/Config/Settings. Default is the built-in Editor of Internet Explorer (IE; version >= 5.5 )

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Email Extractor | How to use Software Email Extractor | Best Email Extractor

How to use Software Email Extractor

Download for trial Email Extractor here:
You can send email from phpmailer and Send Free SMS
I/ Introduction
 Email Extractor is free all-in-one email spider software. It is a lightweight and powerful utility designed to extract email addresses from various sources: local files, websites, search engines, etc. It is a great tool for creating your customer contact list using your mailbox data.

II/ Feature

Extract Email Addresses using Search engines
Extract  Email Addresses from a Website
Extract Email Addresses from Urls List
Extract Email Addresses from WHOIS
Extract Email Addresses from any file or folder

Save emails and other data to text file

III/ How to use this software  Email Extractor

 Extract Email Addresses using Search engines

You can search large search engines such as Google and Yahoo! Just enter required key words and you’ll get tons of results. The program will extract email addresses from the most relevant websites:

To get more precise results you can make use of Google tricks:

Search for pages containing "email" that have "mortage" in domain or page name:

Also you can search specified website for emails:

The program counts automatically the number of parsed URLs.

Extract  Email Addresses from a Website

You can also search a specified URL. Just enter any URL press Start Search. Email extractor will scan that URL . You can scan the website in depth. There are scan depth levels beginning from 1. The first level means that the program will search the main page. If you set the second level, Email Extractor will search all pages linked from the main page and so on.

Extract  Email Addresses from Urls List

Email Extractor makes it possible to retrieve email addresses from specified URLs. You can either paste the URLs or load them from a text file. Then begin the search by clicking Start Search button.

Extract Email Addresses from WHOIS

Email Extractor allows to extract data from global WHOIS database. The program is able to retrieve contact e-mail addresses, domains, servers, registrant, admin and tech support email addresses, billing addresses and phone numbers. You can either paste the domain URL or load them from a text file. To begin the extraction clicking Start Search button.

Extract Email Addresses from any file or folder

Email Extractor allows also searching email addresses on your computer. You can enter the path, or specify a file or folder. The output file will contain valid email addresses without duplicates.

Save emails and other data to text file

For example, you have just extracted emails from the website. Click the Save Emails button on main toolbar. You will see the next window:

Select fields you want to save and click the Next button. After that you will see the "Save As" dialog window:

You may select an existing file that will be replaced or create a new file with txt, lst, csv extension, then click Save. The export will begin.

After exporting of data will be completed, you can click the View results button to open the file with saving data.

High Speed Verifier | How to use Software High Speed Verifier

How to use High Speed Verifier

I/ Introduction

High Speed Verifier (HSV) is a high-speed software designed to check e-mail address for existence. HSV is capable of checking thousands of addresses per second. It can easily deal with mailing lists containing tens millions of addresses; moreover, it is with this list size that the program's highest performance can be achieved.
HSV detects about 20-30% of invalid addresses in a mailing list, though theoretically it is possible to detect up to 60-70% using a software product. This figure seems relatively small, but actually it might make 10% of a list. Besides, HSV provides for optimal checking mode in terms of time and data traffic. More thorough checking (with which the rest 40% of invalid addresses could be detected) takes 10 times longer and requires 5 times greater traffic for each address, hence it's not that advisable with big-size lists.
HSV is the first professional software designed to check big-size mailing lists, it is created by professionals for professionals. We hope with  High Speed Verifier your business will be more effective and successful, and you will enjoy using our product.
II/ DNS Servers Test Window
In this page of the Wizard you are to create a list of DNS servers and to check them. You can proceed to the next page of the master only provided you have a list of checked DNS servers.

Editing the Server List.
To add a DNS server into the list, click "Add New Server". Alternatively, you can hit the INSERT key, provided the insertion point is in the server list (to ensure that, you can click on the list first).
To add several servers at once, hit SHIFT+INSERT (the insertion point must be in the list), and server addresses from the clipboard will be added to the list. When copying data from the clipboard, each line is assumed to contain one server address, spaces around server names are ignored.
To remove a server from the list, highlight it and hit DELETE or BACKSPACE.
The above commands are also accessible via a context menu. To open the menu, right-click the mouse.
Downloading the Server List from Our Site.
To download the DNS server list from our site, HTTP protocol is used. When downloading the list, HSV uses Microsoft Internet Explorer settings. If some problems occur with the list downloading, first of all you are to check Microsoft Internet Explorer settings and to make sure that you can view Internet pages with that browser. It is also recommended that you read the article "Operation via a Proxy Server", if you use Internet connection via a proxy server.
High Speed Verifier downloads a list of 100 servers in one session. The servers are selected in a random way from the big list on our server. There is one more limitation: downloading more than 100 servers in one day is not allowed.
Checking the DNS Servers.
Server checking is a very important action. If your list is only half-checked, the master will let you proceed to the next page, but HSV operation quality and speed are at risk.
Usage of unchecked servers or of unreliable servers (servers that failed to pass some of HSV tests) might result in both great slow-down of HSV operation, and (potentially, in very rare occasions) to its erratic performance. For technical reasoning, see the article "Technical Description of Operation". Therefore we strongly recommend that you be very careful about selection and testing of DNS servers.
Of note, the server list needs to be rechecked and updated after every few days. You can set up automatic execution of that operation via the HSV command prompt.

So, the master would probably suggest deleting all bad servers. We strongly recommend that you accept the suggestion, because usage of servers that failed to pass the tests (or passed only some of the tests) is likely to result in considerable slow-down of HSV operation or to erratic results. Bad servers can only be used for testing purposes.
The master may also suggest removing all slow / unreliable servers. A server that has passed 11 tests of 12 is considered unreliable. If a server passes less than 11 tests, it is considered bad. Usage of unreliable servers would potentially yield erratic results, and usage of slow servers might result in considerable slow-down of the program operation.
In the command prompt operation mode, the key –suggest means automatic acceptance of the master's suggestions, which results in removal of all bad, slow, and unreliable servers (as recommended by the master), if there are any in the list.
III/ Choose Source and Destination Files on High Speed Verifier
High Speed Verifier supports standard text files with one e-mail address in each line. Any conventional address syntax is acceptable:

Please note that unregistered copy of HSV only saves addresses that proved valid. Saving of unchecked and invalid addresses is only possible with a registered copy. That's why unregistered copy displays warning on the last page of the master when output file name and source file name are the same — there is a risk that you lose some addresses if the source file contains more than 5000 entries.
Mailing List Verifing as picture

Craigslist Email HarvesterPro.1.4.2 | How to use Software Craigslist Email HarvesterPro.1.4.2

How to use Craigslist Email HarvesterPro.1.4.2

You download for trial here:

See and use Craigslist Email HarvesterPro here
Buy smtp to send email you collected here Unlimited IP SMTP Server and Unlimited Domain SMTP Server

I/ Choose Tab Settings on CraigslistEmailHarvesterPro as the picture below

Select countries and categories you want search emails, CraigslistEmailHarvesterPro will get emails as your request when you see on Tab Extracted Data

IN Addition you choose Right Panel to get exactly what you want

Remove duplicate Emails
Remove the @craigslist
Remove regular emails
Extract emails in ad content
Export Email to text file
Export Emails to CSV file

II/ Click Button Start to get Emails

You can see it as the picture

After Extract finish, You click on Button "Export Data" on CraigslistEmailHarvesterPro and save it on your desktop

eMail Verifier™ v3.2 | How to use software eMail Verifier

eMail Verifier v3.2
The first you download Email veryfied for trial here:

Maintain clean mailing lists checking the validity of recipient's email addresses...
Email Verifier is a very effective piece of software that can verify over 10 emails per second. It can verify both single email addresses and lists. eMail Verifier is multithreaded, providing high speed verifying. It is your powerful solution for the standard "message delivery error." Email Verifier can verify every email address from a given mailing list allowing you to determine 80-90% of "dead" email addresses.

Let us show you how! This document features comprehensive, step-by-step instructions regarding how to verify your email lists step by step.
Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Getting started
3. Verifying emails
4. Saving results
5. Settings
6. Solving troubles
7. Legal Disclaimer

1.- Overview

If your database contains incorrect email addresses, this disadvantages you in two ways. First, you have to put up with annoying 'undeliverable' messages. And second, you lose the ability to communicate by email with your contacts. Email Verifier checks the validity of your email addresses without actually sending messages.

eMail Verifier works on the same algorithm as ISP mail systems do. Addresses for email are extracted from a Domain Naming Server (DNS) and eMail Verifier tries to connect with SMTP-servers and simulates the sending of a message. It does not send the message though - eMail Verifier disconnects as soon as the mail server informs the program whether the address exists or not.

Once you have verified your list you have the choice between saving the valid addresses and send your message directly to it or saving the bad addresses in order to clean your original list (recommended). In fact, if you use Maxprog Bulk Mailer, you can name your file "DELETE" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" and drop it over MaxBulk Mailer recipient list . All addresses from the file will be removed or unsubscribed from the list in a snap!

2.- Getting started
Launch eMail Verifier. An untitled document is created. This document is made of two parts, the list on the top and a tab panel with 3 panes at the bottom. As with any application, It is fully resizable, it can be saved and opened back, it can be printed and transfered between Mac OS and Windows.

The documents also includes a toolbar with 8 buttons on the top. Those buttons make the access to the most used functions easier.

      Start: To start testing an individual address or a list.
      Stop: To stop current verifying process.
      Reset: To remove all results in order to re-test a list from scratch.
      Import: To load a list. Same as 'Select...' button.
      Export: To save the verifying results to a file.
      Delete: To delete entries from the list.
      Find: To find an address in the list.
      Preferences: To set how testings have to be performed.

The tab panel at the bottom gives access to the overall results and statistics (picture above), the detailed SMTP server response and the DNS lookup details of each address in the list and the connection log. The second panel enables you to get more information about what happened during the DNS lookup and the SMTP connection. Just use the corresponding radio button to get the information displayed.

The third panel is the connection log. It allows you to see the exact communication between eMail Verifier and the server. Each line starts with the threaded connection number '[xx]', then the date and time followed by the command sent by eMail Verifier preceded with '>' or the server answer starting with a 3-digits response code. You don't actually need to understand the connection log to use the software. It is just here in case you care about it.

The document lets you select between two testing options, Single email and Email list file. Use the radio button to select the right option depending on your needs. Once you a re ready to verify your addresses, press the Start button.

3.- Verifying emails

Type an email address or load a list from a file stored on your hard disk. If you need to verify a single email address, just type it as is (ex. If what you want is to verify a list, select the 'Email list file' radio button. If the list on screen is empty you will be automatically asked to select a file. If it is not the case, press the 'Import' or the 'Select...' button. A file selector will let you choose the file. eMail Verifier then loads the selected file adding all entries to the list on screen.

Once you are ready to start the verifying process, press the 'Start' button. eMail Verifier first sorts the list by domain in order to boost lookup speed and automatically starts querying DNS server(s) for each address Mail Exchanger(s).

A Mail Exchanger, also known as Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) or Mail Exchange Server is, in the context of the Domain Name System, a computer program or software agent which transfers electronic mail messages from one computer to another. On the DNS lookup response, the Mail Exchangers come as MX records. They are part of the DNS information for a domain. Each MX record has a preference or priority. eMail Verifier can be forced to use the highest priority Mail Exchanger only or from highest to lowest (see Settings).

If no Mail Exchanger is found, the email address is mark as 'Bad'. If the DNS lookup fails, the email address is mark as 'Unable to test' in order to avoid deleting valid addresses because of temporary problems with domains transfers or DNS server failures. If a Mail Exchanger is found, eMail Verifier tries to connect to it and simulates the sending of a message. It does not send the message though - eMail Verifier disconnects as soon as the mail server informs the program whether the address exists or not. In fact, eMail Verifier collects the server response. That response is analyzed to determine if the address is valid (or not) by using a built-in set of rules. Note that you can optionally issue a 'VRFY' command but it is no longer recommended (see Settings).

Once you are finished testing, you will get more information in your list. The email type, whether a Mail Exchanger were found or not and the verifying process result. Those results are very easy to understand.

  - Valid: Email has passed all tests successfully and has been verified as valid.
  - Looks valid: Email has passed all tests but the Mail Exchanger response is indefinite or vague.
  - Looks bad: The Mail Exchanger response indicates email is likely bad, disabled or hidden.
  - Bad: The Mail Exchanger response is very clear, the address is bad.
  - Unable to test: No Mail Exchanger were found for a given email address.

In addition eMail Verifier also displays overall results and ratios including a chart to help you find out about the quality of your list. You will often find out that most lists contain a huge amount of bad addresses however it mostly depends on where or how you got it.

Valid Addresses total includes 'Looks valid' and Bad Addresses total includes 'Looks Bad'. Progress shows Tested/Total. Current is the entry number on list which is being processed. Retries count how many times eMail Verifier has tried to finish testing the list. It is like a general timeout auto-reconnection in order to catch late processes.

4.- Saving results

Once the verify process is done you can save the results to a file. To do that, press the 'Export' button. You will be asked first to select how those results have to be saved. You have the choice between saving the original data or given columns. You can also partially save the list depending on results. Checking all the boxes will cause eMail Verifier to save the whole list. 'Original data' means your original list. This is handy if your original list contains more columns and you need to maintain them throughout the verifying process. Check 'Remove from list once saved' if you are saving partial data and needs them to be removed from the list on screen. That enables you to re-test the other addresses for example.

For example you can save all the positive results and send your message directly to the corresponding recipients. You can also choose to save only the bad addresses in order to clean your original list. In fact, if you use Maxprog Bulk Mailer, you can name your result file "DELETE" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" and drop it over MaxBulk Mailer recipient list . All addresses from the file will be removed or unsubscribed from the list in a snap! Note that we strongly recommend to use eMail Verifier that way rather than using positive results directly.

5.- Settings

The preference panel is made of 3 parts. General, Advanced and Rules.

- General:

Bandwidth: Lets you select how much bandwidth to allocate to eMail Verifier during testing. It is a percentage scale of available system bandwidth from 10 to 100% in steps of 25%. It is recommended to use the default 100% default setting in order to get best performances.

Threads: Set how many simultaneous connections have to be used during testing. By default eMail Verifier uses 10 threads. Note that using 1 only thread will make the verifying process 10 times slower.

Timeout: Time in seconds a connection will stay alive waiting for a response. Default setting is 15 seconds. You are free to increment that value up to 1 minute if you feel connections are being performed very slowly.

Retries: Set how many times a connection will be attempted before giving-up. By default eMail Verifier will make 3 attempts.

DNS Server: Select if you prefer to use system default DNS server or a given custom address. You can also use a second address and balance domain lookups between them.

- Advanced settings:

MX Lookup: Depending on your operating system, MX lookup may be done either as 'Internal' or using 'Dig'  on Mac OS X or  'nslookup' on Windows.
   - On Lookup failure mark address as: Select how eMail Verifier should mark an address on lookup failure.
   - Use Mail Exchanger with highest priority only: Force eMail Verifier to use highest priority exchanger only.

Verification method: SMTP servers sometimes disable the 'VRFY' command. In those cases it is recommended to simulate an email delivery through standard 'MAIL FROM' and 'RCPT TO' commands. Then a sender email address is required. Please note that this email address must belong to a valid domain as it will be used in some SMTP command. The 'Group' option limits the number of email addresses to be tested per session. You can also set eMail Verifier to perform a RSET command (Reset) between sessions.

- Rules editor:

For some addresses, such as AOL, Yahoo, and other non-SMTP mail, you can't verify whether the address is good or not. You won't know definitively until some bounce. The mail server won't cooperate. In fact, a few ISP's mail servers are configured in a way they prevent anybody to find out if an email address is good or not sometimes to protect their customer email addresses from harvester tools. As a workaround eMail Verifier lets you add rules to mark email addresses as 'Good' or as 'Bad'. A default set is included. You can add/edit/remove rules at your convenience. For example rule #1 will auto-mark all AOL addresses as Good by default. No testing will be done on AOL addresses. We simply consider them all as good.

6.- Troubleshooting

Note that you need to have access to port 25 for this to work. If you're operating within a restrictive firewall, as most users of large ISPs are, then you won't be able to use this tool. You need either unrestricted access or a hole in your corporate firewall for port 25 access. This software does what your SMTP email server does, which is confirm that the person exists before sending the message. Smaller local ISPs don't use to block port 25.
If you are having troubles getting started or using Web Dumper, feel free to ask us using our support inquiry form located at Please be as descriptive as possible.

7.- Legal Disclaimer


Use the information contained in this document at your own risk. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall MAX Programming be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of this document, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

Monday, August 26, 2013

How to use Super Email Sender to send bulk email

I/ Download Super Email Sender for try here:
After download, you setup and use it with screenshot below

Installing the SoftwareYou can install Super Email Sender on your system as follows:
  1. Download the software from our website.
  2. Double click [super-email-sender.exe].
  3. Follow the instructions in the Install Wizard.
Uninstalling the software
If you wish to uninstall Super Email Sender, follow these instructions:
1.      Click the Start menu from the taskbar and select Settings/Control Panel.
2.      Double click on Add/Remove Programs.
3.      Select Super Email Sender from the list and click the Add/Remove button.

4.    Confirm that you want to uninstall. Super Email Sender.

II/ How to use Super Email Sender
1. Introduction
- Super Email Sender is a professional fast bulk email direct sender program. 

- It is an ideal for newsletters, targeted marketing, and keeping in touch with clients. 

- This mailer sends out mails in MX mode and works like a mail server, you don't need unreliable blind relays anymore. As a multi-threaded application, 

- Super Email Sender's normal sending speed can up to 50000 e-mails per hour. It also has a professional and simple user interface so that everyone can set it up in few minutes.

2. Features
- Very easy to send email to lots of recipients.

- Powerful direct send ability. Bypass your ISP's mail server, automatically lookup receipt e-mail's mail exchange server and send e-mail directly to recipients.

- Very fast email sender application by using multi-threaded delivery. The normal sending speed can up to 50000 emails per hour.

- Automatically remove duplicate email addresses. Support attachments of any format

- Easy to combine two mailing lists to a new mailing list.

- Support multi-attachments. Both text and Html Format are supported

- Professional user interface. Everyone can set it up in just few minutes

3. Step by Step
  Here is an example about how to use Super Email Sender to send bulk email. Just follow me please. It is very easy. Below is an screenshot of Super Email Sender ‘s main interface.

1.        Start Super Email Sender.You can start Super Email Sender by clicking on the corresponding icon on the Start Menu.

2.        Import Recipients.As the image over show, click the button of [Import Recipients…]. Then select a text file where you store your mailing list.  After you click the [OK] button of the Open File Dialog window, all the recipients will be imported into the system.

3.        Compose email to be sent.Before you start to send bulk email, you should compose the email to be sent first. All the items include subject, body, sender email, reply email can not to be empty.

4.        Start to send bulk email.
Click the button [Start] to send email. You can click the [Stop] button to stop the send process whenever you want to stop sending. 

4. Main User Interface

This is the most important main interface to send email. At here, you can write the subject and content of your email. You also can add or delete many attachments. When begin sending, you can also see the sending status and sending results

Subject: The title of current email.
Email From: To tell the receiver where the email come from. It must to be a valid email address.
Reply To: To tell the receiver where he (she) can reply the email to. It must to be a valid email address.
HTML File: If you want to send a HTML format email, you should specify a HTML file to be sent.
HTML Preview: You can preview the HTML file to be sent.
Body: The body content of current email.
Send Status: You can see the system status while sending.
Attachment: The attachments of email. Support one or many attachments.
Recipients: All the recipients that need to send email to

5. Change the settings

If you want to configure the Super Email Sender, please click the button [Settings] on the toolbar.

Primary DNS Server:  The primary DNS Server Super Email Sender use to query the MX server of the destination domain. (Required)
Secondary DNS Server: When the primary DNS server doesn’t work properly, Super Email Sender will try to get the MX server of a domain from secondary DNS Server.
Charset Encoding:
Selection the charset type of your language.Max Threads: The maximum thread number of sending email simultaneously. The parameter is decided by your Internet connect speed and your computer ability. Suggestion: 1) More threads maybe need more timeout 2) Reasonable max thread mean faster sending speed.
Timeout(s): The max timeout of sending any email. Its unit is second. Noted: 1) Fast Internet connect speed can set litter timeout; 2) Often you can set this parameters between 60~180 seconds; 3) More timeout mean slow sending speed; 4) Smaller timeout may cause more failed sending status.

Retry Send Times:  Tell the system how many times it should retry if failure occurs

6. Project management

If you want to save current project so that you can resend the email later, please follow the steps below:.
1.        Click the menu [File>Save Current Project];
2.        Specify a File name;
3.        Click [OK];

When you want to open a history project, just follow the steps below:
1.        Stop current search.
2.        Click the menu [File>Open Project…];
3.        Select the old project file.
4.        Click [OK];

If you want to reset current project, you can click the menu [File>New Project]

7. Recipient Management

Import Recipients:
To import recipients from a pure text file, please click the button [Import Recipients¡­] on the toolbar. You can import one or more mailing lists at the same time, because system can automatically remove the duplicate email and combine these mailing lists into a new one.
Notice: this text file should be one email address per line.

Clear All Recipients:If you want to clear all the recipients of current project, you can click the menu [Email->Clear All Recipients].

Delete Recipient Selected:Select the recipient that you want to delete first, click the menu [Email->Delete Selected Recipient] to delete it.

Export Successful Recipients:When all sending tasks have been finished, you can export the recipients that have received email successfully to a new mailing list.  Click [File->Export Successful Recipients] to save the successful recipients so that you can send your email directly to those good email addresses.

Export Failed Recipients:Click [File->Export Failed Recipients] to save the failed recipients so that you can resend to those recipients later with high quality. For example, you can set a larger timeout value and more sending retries to those failed recipients to improve the sending quality

8. Send HTML format email with Super Email Sender

If you want to send a HTML format email, please follow the steps below:
1. Compose you HTML email in a third party HTML edit program such as FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver etc. Notice: if your email needs some images, remember to place all the images and the HTML file in the same directory level.

2. Import the HTML file into system. Click the button of [Import Web Page¡­] on the toolbar to do so.

3. (Optional) If you HTML file needs some images, please import these images as attachments.

4. Click the [Start] to send this email same as plain text format email do.

If you want to remove the HTML file, you can click the menu item of [Clear Web Page] to change the email format to plain text.

9. Send email with attachment with Super Email Sender

To send an email with attachment is very easy. Click the button of [Add Attachment] to add any format file into system. These files will be sent as attachments of this email.

You can also click the menu item of [Email->Clear All Attachments] to clear all attachments or [Email->Delete Selected Attachment] to remove a specify attachment before start sending email.