Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How To Creating a Hyperlink Field in Access 2003

The Hyperlink data type allows you to create a Hyperlink field, a field that can store hyperlinks. The hyperlink can be a path to a file on your hard disk drive or network, or it can be a link to a page on the Web. When you click a Hyperlink field, Access jumps to the target specified by the link. For example, if you have a Clients table, and most of your clients have their own Web pages, you might want to create a Hyperlink field that contains links to each client Web page.

Create a Hyperlink Field in a Table

Display the table in Design view.
Create a new field in which you want to store a hyperlink.
Click the Data Type list arrow, and then click Hyperlink.
Click the Save button on the Table Design toolbar to save the changes to the table.