How to Choosing Dialog Box Options in Access 2003
A dialog box is a
window that opens when you choose a menu command followed by an ellipsis
(. . .). The ellipsis indicates that you must supply more information
before the program can carry out the command you selected. After you
enter information or make selections in a dialog box, click the OK
button to complete the command. Click the Cancel button to close the
dialog box without issuing the command. In many dialog boxes, you can
also click an Apply button to apply your changes without closing the
dialog box.
Choose Dialog Box Options
All dialog boxes contain the same types of options, including the following:
- Tabs. Click a tab to display its options. Each tab groups a related set of options.
- Option buttons. Click an option button to select it. You can usually select only one.
- Up and down arrows. Click the up or down arrow to increase or decrease the number, or type a number in the box.
- Check box. Click the box to turn on or off the option. A checked box means the option is selected; a cleared box means it's not.
- List box. Click the list arrow to display a list of options, and then click the option you want.
- Text box. Click in the box and type the requested information.
- Button. Click a button to perform a specific action or command. A button name followed by an ellipsis (...) opens another dialog box.
- Preview box. Many dialog boxes show an image that reflects the options you select.
For Your Information
Navigating a Dialog Box
Rather than clicking to move around a dialog box, you
can press the Tab key to move from one box or button to the next. You
can also use Shift+Tab to move backward, or Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab
to move between dialog box tabs.