How To Managing Columns in Datasheet View in Access 2003
You can quickly add, remove, and rename columns from within Datasheet view. If you remove a column, Access deletes all the data it contains, so delete a column only if you are sure you no longer require its data. If other database objects contain references to a deleted field, such as a query, Microsoft automatically updates those references.
Insert a Column
- In Datasheet view, right-click the column selector to the right of where you want to add the new column.
Click Insert Column.
The column is inserted with the name Field1, which you can rename.
Delete a Column
- In Datasheet view, right-click the column selector(s) for the column(s) you want to delete.
- Click Delete Column.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Did You Know?
You can rename a column. In Datasheet view, right-click the selector for the column you want to rename, click Rename Column, type the name you want, and then press Enter.
You can't delete a column in a relationship. You must delete the relationship first before you can delete a column.