Monday, July 28, 2014

How To Working with the Clipboard in Access 2003

How To Working with the Clipboard in Access 2003

The Office Clipboard is available from within any Office program and holds up to 24 pieces of copied information, any or all of which you can paste to a new location. As you cut or copy information, Office collects it in the Office Clipboard. You can use the Office Clipboard task pane to manage the information and use it in Office documents. The Office Clipboard allows you to collect multiple items and paste them quickly. When you paste an item, the Paste Options button appears below it. When you click the button, a menu appears with options to specify how Office pastes the information. The available options differ depending on the content you are pasting.

Paste Items from the Office Clipboard

Click the Edit menu, and then click Office Clipboard.
TIMESAVER Press Ctrl+C twice to access the Office Clipboard.
Click where you want to insert the text.
Click any icon on the Clipboard task pane to paste that selection. If there is more than one selection you can paste all the selections at once, by clicking Paste All.
When you're done, click the Close button on the task pane.

Did You Know?

You can paste information in a different format. Select the object or text, click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar, click to indicate where you want to paste the object, click the Edit menu, click Paste Special, click the object type you want, and then click OK.

Delete Items from the Office Clipboard

Click the Edit menu, and then click Office Clipboard.
Click the list arrow of the item you want to paste, and then click Delete.
To erase all items in the Office Clipboard, click Clear All.
When you're done, click the Close button on the task pane.

Change Clipboard Options

Click the Edit menu, and then click Office Clipboard.
Click Options, and then click to select any of the following options:
  • Show Office Clipboard Automatically
  • Show Office Clipboard When Ctrl+C Pressed Twice
  • Collect Without Showing Office Clipboard
  • Show Office Clipboard Icon On Taskbar
  • Show Status Near Taskbar When Copying
When you're done, click the Close button on the task pane.