Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How To Assigning Project Tasks in Access 2003

Assigning a project task is another way you can use SharePoint to collaborate on the site. By creating a task, you can manage your team with status updates. You can also provide a central way to manage the effectiveness of a project. Since this is a Web based system, everyone can access this with a simple Web browser.

Add a Task Item to Your Site

Log into your SharePoint server with your domain account and password.
On the main home page, click Create Manage Content under the Actions Sidebar.
Click Create, and then click Tasks.
Type the name of the task, add in an optional description, click Yes, if you want to add the task to the menu bar, and then click Create.
Click New Item.
Type the title, set the priority, status, and completion percentage, assign your resource, add a description, and then set your due date.
Click the Save And Close button.

Did You Know?

You can use the Upload button to add an attachment. A general rule of thumb would be to keep your attachments under 1 MB, however, unless your administrator has set rights on your site, you are free to upload as much as you want.