When you export Access data, you save a database object in a new format so that it can be opened in a different program. For example, you might export a table to an Excel worksheet. Or you might want to save your database as an earlier version of Access so someone who hasn't yet upgraded to Access 2003 can edit, format, and print it. You can also attach any database object to an e-mail message as an Excel (.xls), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Active Server Page (ASP), or Hypertext Markup Language (.html) file.
Export an Object to Another Program
Open the database containing the object you want to export, and then select the database object.
Click the File menu, and then click Export.
If necessary, click the Save In list arrow, and then select the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
Click the Save As Type list arrow, and then click the type of file you want to save the object as.
If necessary, type a new name for the file.
Click Export.
Attach a Database Object to an E-Mail Message
In the Database window, click the object you want to attach to an e-mail message.
Click the File menu, point to Send To, and then click Mail Recipient (As Attachment).
Click the file format you want.
Click OK.
Log on to your e-mail system if necessary, and then type your message.
Access attaches the object to the message in the format you selected.
You can attach part of an object to an e-mail message. Double-click the object in the Database window, select the portion you want to send, and then continue with step 2 of "Attach a Database Object to an E-Mail Message."
You can copy and paste Access data. If you want to place only part of an Access object in a file in another program, copy the information you want to insert, and then paste the information in the file where you want it to appear.