You can create a chart from data in a table or query using the Chart Wizard. The wizard steps you through the process to select the data and chart type. The Graph chart uses two views to display the information that makes up a graph: the datasheet, which is a spreadsheet-like grid of rows and columns that contains your data, and the chart, which is the graphical representation of the data. A datasheet contains cells to hold your data. A cell is the intersection of a row and column. Graph Chart comes with a gallery that lets you change the chart type and then format the chart to get the result that you want. You can also save your customized settings as a format to use when you create other charts.
Create a Graph Chart
In Design view, click the Insert menu, and then click Chart.
Drag the pointer to create a rectangle the size of the chart you want to create.
When the Chart Wizard appears, click the Both option, and then click the table or query you want to use to make the chart. Click Next to continue.
Click a field, and then click the Add button for each field you want to chart. Click Next to continue.
Click the chart type you want, and then click Next.
Make any layout modifications that are desired, and then click Next.
If you want the chart to change from record to record, select the fields that link the document and the chart, and then click Next.
Enter a chart name, click the No option if you do not want to display the legend, and then click Finish.
Change a Chart Type
In Design view, double-click the chart on your form or report.
Click the Chart Type button list arrow.
Click the button for the chart type you want.
Save Chart Settings as a Custom Chart Type
In Design view, double-click the chart to select it.
Click the Chart menu, and then click Chart Type.
Click the Custom Types tab.
Click the User-defined option.
Click Add.
Type a name and description for the chart, and then click OK.
Click OK.