If you want to create a data access page without the Page Wizard, you can create it in Design view. Design view allows you to choose the tables, fields, and other objects that you want to appear on the Web page. You can format the appearance of the page using the same techniques you apply when you create Access forms. You can use tools on the Toolbox to insert hyperlinks and Office data, such as PivotTables, Excel Charts, and Excel Spreadsheets. A PivotTableis an interactive table linked to a database that summarizes the data in a table or query in tabular format. Similarly, a PivotChart is an interactive chart that is linked to a database.
Create or Modify a Data Access Page in Design View
In the Database window, click Pages on the Objects bar.
Double-click the Create Data Access Page In Design View icon, or click the page you want to modify, and then click the Design button.
If necessary, click the Field List button to display the list of tables and queries in the database.
Double-click the Tables or Queries folder, and then locate the table or query on which you want to base your page.
Drag a table or query icon from the field list to the Unbound section of the data access page.
Click a layout option, and then click OK.
Use the tools on the Toolbox to insert hyperlinks and other Office data, such as PivotTables, Charts, and Spreadsheets.
Click the Close button, click Yes, if prompted to save your work, and then enter a file name for the resulting Web page.