Select Objects
Click this button, and then click the control you want to select. To select multiple controls that are grouped together, click this button, and then drag a rectangle shape around all the controls you want to select.
Control Wizards
Click to use control wizards when they are available.
Text Box
This button creates a text box in which the user can enter text (or numbers) for the selected field in the record. Use this control for fields assigned to a text or number data type.
This button creates a text label. Because the other controls already include a corresponding label, use this button to create labels that are independent of other controls, such as text needed for user instructions or the name of the form in a heading.
Option Group
This button creates a box around a group of option buttons. The user is only allowed to make one selection from the buttons enclosed by a group box.
Toggle Button
This button creates a button that allows the user to make a yes or no selection by clicking the toggle button. Use this control for fields assigned to the yes/no data type.
Option Button
This button creates an option button (also known as a radio button) that allows the user to make a single selection from at least two choices. Use this control for fields assigned to the yes/no data type.
Check Box
This button creates a check box that allows a user to make multiple yes or no selections. Use this control for fields assigned to the yes/no data type.
List Box
This button creates a list box that allows a user to select from a list of options. You can enter your own options in the list, or can have another table provide a list of options.
Combo Box
This button creates a combo box in which the user has the option to enter text or select from a list of options. You can enter your own options in the list, or you can display options stored in another table.
Command Button
This button creates a button that runs a macro or Microsoft Visual Basic function when the user clicks the button in the form.
This button inserts a frame, in which you can insert a graphic in your form. Use this control when you want to insert a graphic that remains the same in all the records displayed in a form, such as clip art or a logo.
Unbound Object Frame
This button inserts an OLE object from another source. Use this button to insert an object that is linked to another program and needs to be updated to reflect recent changes.
Bound Object Frame
This button inserts an OLE object from another source within the same database. Use this button to insert an object that is linked to another source in the database and needs to be updated to reflect recent changes.
Page Break
This button forces the fields that start at the insertion point to appear on the next screen.
Tab Control
This button creates a tab in your form. Creating tabs in a form gives your form the appearance of a dialog box in a program so that related controls can appear together on their own tab.
This button inserts another form within the current form at the insertion point.
This button creates a line that you draw on the form.
This button creates a rectangle or border that you draw on the form.
More Controls
Click to display other toolboxes.